In Yoko's eyes, Nier is his personal Drag-On Dragoon 3.

Yoko felt that he wasn't up to the task at the time and refused.

To save the patch press ctrl+s on your keyboard or go file then save page. In order to run Drakengard 3 with 60fps, you’ll have to follow this guide. Not only that, but there are already some mods that you can use for Demon’s Souls. Furthermore, RPCS3 can also run Demon’s Souls with 60fps. Back in August, the Playstation 3 emulator was able to run Metal Gear Solid 4 with 60fps. Of course this isn’t the only game that features an unlocked framerate on RPCS3. Players can also control a dragon named Mikhail. Drakengard 3 features a mixture of ground-based hack-and-slash combat and aerial battles. It is the third game in the Drakengard series and a prequel to the original game. In case you weren’t aware of, Drakengard 3 is an action RPG that came exclusively on PlayStation 3. Not only that, but it’s really difficult to hit 120fps in the current version of RPCS3 (without more optimizations or faster hardware). However, this high framerate will break the lock-on feature when flying the dragon minor.

Moreover, it’s also possible to play the game at 120fps.

RPCS3 can run Drakengard 3 with 60fps thanks to a performance patch from Whatcookie. This is why emulators are so important and this is why we are supporting them. As such, PC gamers can enjoy the game with a higher framerate and better visuals. The RPCS3 team has announced that its Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3, can now run Drakengard 3 with 60fps.